Electrical Requirements

Electricity and water don’t mix, which is why properly installing electrical for your new hot tub should be left to a licensed and insured electrician who has a strong understanding of the National Electric Code (NEC) pertaining to hot tubs, as well as proper training. Below are two diagrams developed to assist your licensed electrician in understanding the basic hot tub electrical requirements of your new spa. In addition to these diagrams, each hot tub has a wiring diagram inside the control box that will provide additional information for use at the time of installation.
Please remember, it is the responsibility of the spa owner to ensure that electrical connections are made by a qualified electrician in accordance with the NEC and any state and local electrical codes in force at the time of installation. Electrical connections made improperly, or the use of wire gauge sizes that are too small for incurring power, may continually blow fuses in the electrical equipment box, may damage the internal electrical controls and components, is unsafe and will void your warranty.